I refuse to copy my cousin Teej and do a random thought "list." So I will put my own spin on it and do Random Ass Paragraphs. Each paragraph will reveal a portion of life Nameliar style.
I hate (I know its wrong to hate) my best friend's baby daddy. I saw him the other night and I wanted to spit on him. The no good bastard has her playing chauffeur lately. Every time I see him I think of ways to get rid of him. Can I borrow a gun?
I'll never drink more than two Long Island Ice Teas. The second one had me feeling a little funny. I was just giggling like an idiot...so not attractive, but I guess its better than being a sad or mad drunk. I think people fake being drunk. They have a drink and then say, "woo I'm tipsy, now I can do all the things I've ever wanted to do, (be a hoe) cause I'm drunk." So fake. My ass was seated the entire time I was at the club, drink or no drink....until a steppas cut comes on...lol
I need to find a male stepping partner or create one. I need to teach some dude how to step so I can drag him out on the dance floor. I'm tired of leading, I want to do some of them fly turns I be creating (more like stealing, from other dance styles). It seems like dudes who can "footwork" (Chicago dance) can't step. I need me a smooth dancer not some fake ass fast freddy.
I had fun this weekend. This weekend broke up the trifiling week I had. I should visit arcades more often. *HUGE SMILE & WINK*. I play video games a lot I just don't go to arcades. I should go to Dave and Buster's downtown, have two long island ice teas and then try to play a game. When I see a Mrs. Pacman machine or any video game in a restuarant I am tempted to play no matter who I am with...on a date, by myself, with the Da Crew....it doesn't matter I wanna play, but I don't...Well at least not all the time.
Am I young? I mean I have only been on this earth for 23 years but I feel like my brain is wired like a woman in her thirties. Once when I was kicking with this older crowd(as I tend to do) I saw a group of my peers(folks in their 20's) and I thought to myself, "Hmmm, am I trying to be to old for my age?" Its been like this for as long as I can remember always kickin' it with the older kids...lol Maybe my brain will halt at 30 until my age catches up. Then again I don't want to be stuck. I want to keep on growing. Hell, but I don't want to be old. Damn my mother is getting old and she is slowly dragging me with her.
I know my pops is salty I didn't call him or my little brother for their birthdays. I was thinking about them around their birthday but still when the day came, I forgot to call. I'm mad at him though. "Great anger you have yes?" Yeah Master Yoda I'm pissed like a mug at his ass. So unfather-like, so uninvolved in my everyday life. I should reach out to my little brother but I don't. I'm the oldest...I know but I don't. Stubborn is the word that comes to mind.
All my sisters have boyfriends. I'm such a hater. This is the first time in life when all three of them have a man and I am without. I'm not saying that I always have a man but usually at least one of them is with me on the manless boat. My ass is Rose without Jack (Titanic reference) Am I gonna drown then? My middle name is Rose...I hate it. Never call me that.
If I had to place myself in a musical category it would be Neo-Soul/R&B. Would I have to cut off my curly afro and give up my Neo-Soul if I dated a white guy? Does all of the black power just drain out of you when you kiss the lips of whitey? I guess if you are kissing whitey then you shouldn't refer to him as whitey huh? Well I ain't kissed whitey yet...lol
I ain't been to church in a minute. I feel like hearing a choir "sang." I feel like Shug Avery when she was at Harpo's Juke Joint and she heard the church music/singing in the distance right as she was about to blow out "Sista" aka "Miss Celie's Blues" she turned to the musicians at the Juke Joint and was like, "Speak Lawd, speak to me..." Y'all know the rest...and if you don't know that's a Color Purple (Movie) reference, then you ain't watched it enough. I'll let you borrow the dvd.
Its funny how some guys leave a trail of memories in your mind and others you can barely remember. My sister mentioned this guy I dated a long while ago and I was like, "Who?...Oh yeah I forgot about him."
Can someone ship me Ving Rhames on a platter. I love his thick ass. He be running around with his ass out (Baby Boy) and straight tonguing broads (Rosewood) in these movies. Man if I was on the set of either film it would have went something like this...
Director: "Cut"
Nameliar to Ving after kissing scene: "Yes, thank you, please may I have another."
Notice how Ving didn't get a word in.
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