Wednesday, September 07, 2005

These Broads Need To Quit

This baby shower shit is out of control. (Warning the word bitch will be used quite often in this post. I normally try not to call females that but it is very fitting. I apologize now.)

My best friend Toni came by my house last night and informed me that she talked to her Sisters from hell. One of them hoes has the nerve to be mad she is not throwing the baby shower. Man let me tell you what this bitch said...Yeah I called her bitch because she truly is one.

The Spawn of Satan: You know I wanted to throw your baby shower.
Toni: Yeah I know but its out of my hands.
The Spawn of Satan: Well I hope it's nice... and I hope the food isn't nasty.

Bitch! You "hope the food isn't nasty." This broke ass bitch always has something smart to say. She can never just be happy for her sister. I want to do something really evil like put the wrong address or time on her invitation so she or her raggedy ass sisters won't even be there. I swear if this broad even looks at me funny I am gonna jump across a table and bash her head into a plate of greens. I hope you find a hair in your food you flat footed hooker. I hope her car runs out of gas on the expressway and she can't make it. I want to catch her in the bathroom of the restaurant and put her face through one of the mirrors.

Wooo...I feel better. Well as you can see I want to do something really violent to that bitch. I'll keep you posted.

17 Days left till the baby shower.

How many years does assault and battery get you in the mad real world?


Blogger The Brown Blogger said...

In this situation the old laxative in the catered food bit really works...

What about having a last minute relocation so those "women" won't show up.

Sugar in the gas tank works...

Can you get THIER credit card information and charge the whole damn thing to them? Live a little, splurge!

Better yet, how's about ordering a whole spread in the evil one's name and have that ish delivered a couple of days early to her house?

Throw a female stripper in there too.

You can always spike the potato salad.

When you put the wrong date on the invites and send it to them, don't forget to get on the nigganet and spread the word on that big deal going down at the address listed on the cards. Don't forget to call the cops, that'll hold em' for at least 12, maybe 14 hours. There might even be a cavity search involving those lesbian correctional officers you mentioned on insanelysane's post...

You can always invite some men... that'll ruin everything.

9:40 AM  
Blogger NameLiar said...

No they haven't been to see the baby yet. Them broads have a lot of nerve.

4:27 PM  
Blogger Didi Roby said...

Wow! Wee! Folks!:)

This babyshower is turning into the Hatfields and the McCoys or some ish:)

Echo is right...Joy...keep it:)

Now about that "they haven't seen the baby yet" ish...:(

6:07 PM  
Blogger Teej said...

Imma roll with Hassan on this one. Put some laxatives in her food! She'll be out your hair for a good duration of the party and you cant go to jail for her getting the runs!

12:51 PM  

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