Alright lets get this cracking.
First, no I don't have kids, so I don't understand your point of view, but here is mine anyway.
There are a lot of "Mothers" out here who think they are really raising their children when they are not. Just the other day I had a broad tell me that she raises her children all by herself without help from anybody. I laughed and shooked my head.
I'll tell you why I laughed. For the first 10 years of her son's life (he's only 11) he has been with me every weekend. I am not exaggerating. He was with me so much people swore up and down he was my son. He is my little cousin...His father, my uncle visits his other family the Illinois Department of Corrections quite frequently. My cousin staying with me was my way of picking up the slack for his father not being there.
His mother drops him off with a bag of clothes and nothing else. So who is taking care of him on the weekend? How does he eat? Who bought diapers when he needed them? And for the record she
really didn't spend anytime with him during the week if you look at the hours of the day. He goes to school from 8:30-2:30 he goes to an after school program until 6pm. She picks him up at 6, feeds him at 7 and he is in bed by 9. So she spends about 2-3 hours with him.
Now on the weekend he spends the entire 2 and a half days with me and on Saturday he wakes up at the crack of dawn to watch cartoons. Yikes! I have never asked his mother for anything but now I am realizing how truly ungrateful she is. Who do you know keeps their little cousin every weekend? I don't know anybody keeping anybody kids at my age every weekend.
My mother, on the other hand, was with us every weekend and it is four of us. We rarely spent whole weekends with anybody other than her and my father. And after my parents divorced we didn't even spend whole weekends with him, but we'll get on him another time (now that is the story you would want to read).
I would cut this chick a break if she had to work on the weekend or if she was doing something productive but she is not. She is at some club or hanging out with her friends or getting pregnant again. She has 2 other children by different men who she likes to drop off at my house on occasion when she has somewhere important to go. I had to nip that in the bud quick.
I am too young and fly to be stuck in the house with 3 kids that aren't mine on the weekend.
I had to tell that broad a thing or to. Hey lady I've been a young fool for too long but guess what the party is over. Stop the mutha f-ing presses. I'm on strike! GAME OVER!
Don't think that oh that chick she was dealing with is crazy. There are quite a few broads I know who are similar. Some chicks have a different place for their child to go every weekend. This weekend they're at their cousins, next weekend they're at their God parents', weekend after that they are at a friends house, and on and on.
I hate to say it but they are not making mothers the way they used to. Maybe it is because they are having them so young. I can say I do know one young mother who is doing an excellent job with her 5 kids. She has a lot but they are polite and they mind their manners. So a way to be to Shauntrice. She is doing the dang thang.
I'm telling you this is the mad real world.