Monday, June 13, 2005

Has Anyone Seen My Credit Card? Part Two

I walked into the Jackson Citco pulled off my sunglasses and looked Akbah square in his eye and told him, "According to my credit card company someone has been fraudulently using my credit card at this gas station."
"Oh they couldn't have used it in the store, they probably used it at the pump to get some gas," said the noisy security guard.

I turned to him and said, "I doubt it. The amount of money that was spent isn't a clear cut dollar amount. Usually when someone is purchasing gas they get $5, $10, or $20. This person spent $3.79 I really doubt they bought gas. I would like to see the signature on the receipts." I know my Uncle's handwriting when I see it.

The manager pulled out the receipts. I showed him my id with my true signature and it was obvious to him that I didn't sign for it. He politely asked if I wanted to see the security tape for the day and times of the purchases. I said sure.

This really tripped me out...When I went into the back of the store they had the hook up. They had laptop computers, the cameras were digital so you could zoom in on whomever, they were real high tech. I was like damn...They got it all.

Anyway, he pulled up the time and he paused the tape and said, "This is the person who used your card." To my amazement it was the girl who stayed upstairs from me. Immediately I had a nasty thought...This bitch was trying to rob me blind. Thank God she was one of the dumbest criminals in America and went right down the street from the house where they have like 10 cameras in the store.

To be continued....You know I had to confront this chick.


Blogger The Brown Blogger said...

I just hope there are some security cameras present when it's time to beat that ass. I believe that's the only thing that can save her.

But then again, there's always Judge Mathis, but she might give shout outs to the whole crew and take up all that valuable TV time.

Dumbasses do that.

2:25 AM  
Blogger Teej said...

Oh shit! Yo it's probably too late, but dont catch no cases!

11:51 AM  

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