Friday, June 10, 2005

Can I Get A Little Love....I Mean Damn!

I've been in a long distance relationship for a year now. Everything was going smoothly....Notice I said "was." I mean there are no real problems except....I never get to see this dude. He has been in the state (we live in the same state not the same city) for approximately 3 weeks and I have yet to see him.

He is an hour away and his schedule is tight, but.... I mean damn, can I get 5 minutes, GEEZ. (Note to self you sound like a complete lame when you say geez) Let me explain the whole schedule thing. He travels an hour and a half to get to school in the morning, he's in school from 8:30 am until 5 pm then he travels back home an hour and a half, studies for a couple of hours, and then goes to bed and does it all over again. He doesn't even have time to call me on most week days. I'm like now wait you can at least call and talk to someone for five minutes no one's schedule is that tight not even the President's. If Bushie can make time to call folks we mere American citizens can too.

Anywho, homeboy is tripping. I have yet to express my feelings to him about the situation. I am trying to be supportive and understanding like a good girlfriend, after all the class that he is taking is almost over (I think next week is his last week) but at the same time there is a part of me having a tantrum like, "Hey what about whooo, remember me the creature with the parts you like." Ok I am really trippin' now.

But still can I get a little love...I mean damn!

I'm telling you this is the mad real world.


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