Friday, April 21, 2006

If This Bitch Calls Off One More Time!!!

I'm awaken by a loud ass ring. I assume it is one of my mother's friends since she is the only one who is normally up at this hour, but no. Its my supervisor. "Millie I need you to come in this morning Ms. Kiss-Ass called off." Awe hell nah...every fucking time I get a break this bitch calls off. Even when we work opposite shifts (she opens, I close) she calls me talking bout can I come in she needs to leave early. Fuck that if your ass can't work your hours you need to step down to part time.

I'll tell ya'll what's really going on. Ms Kiss-Ass was doing just what her name implies, kissing a whole lot of managerial ass in hopes of a greater raise or promotion. SIKE!!! Whitey handed it to her straight, told her she was a nigga just like the rest of us. (I really don't consider myself a nigger but for the purpose of this story it seemed the appropriate way to describe how whitey looks at us)

So she thought she was gonna be taking my supervisor's job. I was like hell nah if she does that then I'm quitting I can't work for that bitch, she has the nastiest, smart-ass, talk down to you tone. Well evaluation day finally came and they told her that if ...I repeat IF they promote her they would promote her out of the store and if again with the IF...If they did promote her it wouldn't be until September. This was from her mouth, this is what she said they told her. I was like DAMN they treated her ass. (Can you infer from the context what treated means...its not a treat at

So anyway every since then she has been calling off and leaving early and showing up late. Obviously the bitch isn't happy...poor baby, but guess what I'm not coming in to cover her ass...FUCK THAT! I got the same number on my evaluation that she got, a four and I didn't have to kiss any ass or do any extra work so I'm not about to start.

I hope this bitch kicks rocks in the mad real world.

Thursday, April 20, 2006

I Almost Had A Fit (Doing Something I Had No Business Doing)

I almost lost my cool last night...okay I did in fact loose my cool last night. Let's set up the scenario.

I'm in my room with this hot Things are getting a little hot and steamy. *Ding Dong* Somebody's at the door. Its my best friend with her hollering baby....I'm thinking to myself..."No, no, not tonight, beat it!" Of course she didn't beat it, she came in, sat down, and fell asleep on the couch.

Now as most of you know I don't live alone. I live with my mother and 3 sisters. They were all tucked away except for one sister whose boyfriend was over. At first my sister and her boyfriend were in the front of the house in the computer room but then when the hollering baby came they moved to the TV room which is towards the back of the house and just so happens to be one room away from mine. So I had to stop what I was trying to do which pissed me off.

You know you get mad when you are about to get some and then can't. I was so frustrated. Then I decided to play the let's just do it quietly game...that wasn't exactly five times in mid-stroke we had to stop because the floor creaked outside my room. I was like "FUCK!!" I actually had a tantrum in my room. But finally after a lot of sneaking we got it done and I actually had an orgasm and it was great....suck on that suckers!! Hollering babies and all the interruptions I still came out on

I gots to get mine in the mad real world or else I'm not a happy camper.

Saturday, April 01, 2006

Lettin' Off A Little Steam...

I know I have been tagged...a long long while ago...I'm gonna get to it. My internet was down and as I've stated before my computer is a crack whore. Anyway I have to get this off my chest before I attempt to do the tag.

This nig...don't use the "N" word, but I really think he is a nig...okay forget it. Why fo' this nigga I ain't talked to in ages popped up today on yahoo...peep the conversation.

Sidney: Hey, How are doing?
NameLiar: I'm great and you?
Sidney: I'm doing good.
NameLiar: I'm glad to hear it
NameLiar: Its been a while since I've seen you online
Sidney: Yes, I know I been busy.
NameLiar: I feel you
Sidney: So, what have you been up to, lately?
NameLiar: Nothing much really
NameLiar: mostly work
NameLiar: trying to keep to myself...tired of BS
Sidney: Yeah, I know what you mean.
NameLiar: So how is Indiana treating you?
Sidney: It's alright, nothing fabulous. And you.
NameLiar: Chi-town is quickly warming up which is usually when all the fun begins
Sidney: well, it's kind of cold. So, how's the family?
NameLiar: the family is about yours?
Sidney: Everything, still the same. (Pay attention)
NameLiar: I feel you
Sidney: What's a good time for us to hang out?
NameLiar: I don't know
NameLiar: when are you coming to the city?
Sidney: Maybe, tomorrow. Why?
NameLiar: because you said when? so I figured whenever you come to the city
NameLiar: tomorrow isn't good for me tho'
Sidney: Why is it not a good time for you?
NameLiar: busy
NameLiar: Church and work
NameLiar: u going to church?
Sidney: Well, I just seeing how you were doing. I have to go now, my fiance' and are are going out for the day.
NameLiar: wow u got a fiance?
NameLiar: well good luck
NameLiar: later

Now all of a sudden, since I was busy he has a fiance...I just laughed. The nigga really needs to quit. All these pussy muthafuckas in the mad real world.