Thursday, August 25, 2005

Thank God Groove Tagged Me...


I am so happy to be tagged today...I swear I need a break from my own shit.
Let's get this party started...

Seven Things I Plan To Do Before I Die...
  1. Direct an Oscar winning action blockbuster
  2. Have a ridiculously extravagant wedding (put Star Jones on her ass big)
  3. Have children who look just as good, if not better than their mother
  4. Go To Brazil
  5. Make it home from Brazil
  6. Make sure everyone I love and hold dearly knows it
  7. Get a tattoo...I'll wait till about 45 to do
Things I Can Do
  1. Tell A Joke (There were these 2 hillbillies...)
  2. Step...And turn
  3. Listen
  4. Write (I write better when I am mad)
  5. Be A Great Friend...Through thick and thin all the way to the end.
  6. Laugh at Life (I can find the humor in anything, but sometimes it gets hard to find)
  7. Paint/Draw/Be Creative
Things I Can't Do
  1. Be As Hostile In Person As I Am On My Blog
  2. Cry (I hate to cry)
  3. Slap random people for looking at me stupid
  4. Kill all the members of the KKK
  5. Tell the random Nigerians who find me through yahoo to step the fuck off, yes I know I am the most beautiful woman you have ever seen but I am still not going to marry your black ass. What the hell man, I watched Hotel Rwanda they ain't about to mistake my yellow ass for no Tutsi.
  6. Keep something from my mother for to long
  7. Go Back To An Ex get backs ya dumb mutha...shut yo mouth
Things I Say The Most...
  1. Okey Dokie
  2. Whatever
  3. Yo Puss Ass
  4. Boo-boo kitty kitty (got that ish from my little cousins now I'm callin' everyone Boo-boo kitty-kitty)
  5. Really?
  6. Right
  7. Ya Know
Things That Attract Me To The Opposite Sex...
  1. Strength (mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual) or in the words of Shug Avery "I don't needs me a weak lil boy, that can't tell his daddy no...I needs me a man, ya hear? A man...and I don't wanna smell no gotdamn stankin' pipe, Albert."
  2. Adaptability (Can you go from the boardroom to the hood and make the transformation look easy?)
  3. A Great Smile (how is dem teef?)
  4. Intelligence
  5. Creativity
  6. The ability to shut the fuck up..."you know you talks to much and you never shut up"
  7. Looks
Celebrity Crushes
  1. Lennox Lewis (He'll whoop some ass with that English accent)
  2. Maxwell (Puerto Rican and Black...I'll take that)
  3. Micheal McDonald (don't ask)
  4. Jason Scott Lee (the best mix of Hawaiian and Chinese I've ever seen, google him)
  5. Isaiah Washington (I loved him in Romeo Must Die and Love Jones)
  6. Brad Pitt
  7. Judge Greg Mathis (there would be no order in the court if I were there)

Tag, you are all it in the mad real world.


Blogger Didi Roby said...

You a mess nameliar!!...:)

"Kill all the members of the KKK"
That sh*t! was funny:)I'm down to ride shot gun when you take that

5:46 PM  
Blogger toneec42 said...

I came to repay the favor and I got tagged! Woo-hoo! Oh and I got plenty of black leather coats to help you go Panther on the Klan - ignorant ass people... Just holla when you ready to roll... :)

7:52 PM  
Blogger Olawunmi said...

5. Tell the random Nigerians who find me through yahoo to step the fuck off, yes I know I am the most beautiful woman you have ever seen but I am still not going to marry your black ass. What the hell man, I watched Hotel Rwanda they ain't about to mistake my yellow ass for no Tutsi.

you're just ignorant. we don't have tutsis in nigeria!!!

damn. don't know whether to laugh or cry!

7:26 PM  

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