Thursday, July 06, 2006

Let Me Tell You What An Old Nigga Told Me

I was talking to one of my ex-beaus the other day and this negro had the nerve to say that I have an unusually high sex drive. I was like, "Yeah right, whatever man!" I totally disagree. He claims that if a man is working and not living with you then you should only expect sex once a week.

I was totally shocked to hear that number. Once a week! I'm sorry but I need it a little more often than once a week. But now that I think about it there has only been one guy who was able to keep up with me and he is younger than me. I tend to only get it once a week, hell if that, from the negro I'm dealing with now and that is some bullshit. I want more damn it!

Gotdamn I'm spilling the beans today...oh well...

Anyway last night I was with old boy chillin' at my crib. I let him hit cause he's good at it but like 20 minutes later I wanted to go again.

(He and I went to the Taste of Chicago yesterday and I was so aggravated by him. He was just talking and talking and I totally wasn't listening to a word he was saying. That's weird for me because I'm usually a great listener...anywho)

Do you know this negro had the nerve to tell me, "I'm tired it's been a rough week." I was like WHAT!?! How old are you man? (24) C'mon you got to be shittin' me you can't go again...AHHH I HATE YOU! I didn't say that but that's what I was thinking. The man fell asleep in my bed all huddled next to my boobs like a newborn. I let him sleep for an hour...he was lucky I was watching Austin Powers. Then I was like man its time to go...if you ain't giving it up you gots to get out of my bed, hell I might as well go to sleep too. I'm the one who has to be at work at the crack of dawn. He doesn't have to be in until 10 womp womp.

I'm getting mad just thinking about that shit....

The original point to this post was to ask if having sex 3 times a week was a lot to ask from a man who is working and doesn't live with you? Hell I think it's just good

I wonder what the "Have You Ever" nigga would say in the mad real.


Blogger Prophetess said...

Three or more times a week is MORE than fair! He aint THAT tired...

9:59 AM  
Blogger NameLiar said...

Hell yeah I truly suspect the negro is on some bullshit. He can't be just breaking me off. He's to satisfied with the once a week ish. Very suspect!

2:41 PM  
Blogger Chubby Chocolate said...

Yeah, keep your guard up. That sounds very suspicious.

3:33 PM  
Blogger Didi Roby said...

.....Only three times a week! Shooks, my hard working Man *when I gets one* better give that more then three times a week! Hell, they will expect the same from us tired, backache and all ma trust.

It's like Jamie said....."Sex/On my mind/Sex/All the time/Sex/Everywhere I go/Sex/I gotta let you know/It's stronger then any drug/Even Love/S/EX."


4:30 PM  
Blogger The Brown Blogger said...


8:00 AM  
Blogger Nika Laqui said...

3 times a week is what I need, Puddy's expectations are the same...but his GF don't give it to him like that... once a month...

He prolly already did it...
3 times a week is good, fair for a square...

No, and I'm not counting 2 or 3 times in one day, 3 days a week....

1:22 PM  
Blogger Nika Laqui said...

Hey pimpin, come check me out, I need some PIMP advice...*lol*

1:22 PM  
Blogger toneec42 said...

Three times a week is the minimum if we're working and not living together. And that's three episodes a week (the number of times per episode needs to also be negotiated). And once we marry, hmmm, I'm saying twice a day is the minimum.
But that's just me.

9:44 PM  

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